
'Hope' is an affair
with the sea
that flows with
the innerself and
never stops at the

sings with each
passing wave
crossing every drift

never shredding
my soul within

The 'You' In Me

You stay in my soul
like the shadow of my own


What is it?
Where does it all start?
Your actions, your reasoning
Contemplative awakening.

The good, the bad
Is all in the mind
When karma stands tall
Everything befalls.

The cause and the effect
The consequences it met
What happens to someone
It's the effect of their action.

At times, we are foolish
Believe in our power
To hold things right
To manipulate the contrite.

Let your actions take the hold
Removing the mask of being cold
Revenge is not required
When karma is admired.

The enlightenment from within
The dharma that stores the sin
Nothing more would create agony
Your karma becomes your destiny.


MEHAK GUPTA GROVER:  Writer, Mehak Varun, is the author of three books - THE HUMANE QUEST(volume-1,2 &3), published by Authorspress, New Delhi. It is a QUEST for HUMANITY. She is born and brought up in Jammu and settled in Chandigarh. She has been bestowed with '100 Inspiring Authors of India' award in kolkata. She has also been honoured with the 'Women Of Influence 2019' award presented on women's day in New Delhi. Recently she has been awarded Gitesh-Biwa Memorial Award of excellence for her article on woman power "I Just Need A Chance”. Along with her books, her work has been published in various anthologies and she is recipient of various other prizes in poetry competitions as well. She is known for raising contemporary issues in the society. Just as there is freedom, there is a certain responsibility towards the same. To choose to do good and be good within the specified responsibilities, is freedom in action. 'The Humane Quest' is a humble attempt to create awareness against the evils of society and stimulate the strong Indian values which are lacking in the present times.

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